In a scenario in which around 125 million Brazilians are food insecure and the number of families in vulnerable situations is growing, as precarious work, specially in a post-pandemic world, even though there are no official figures on child labor in Brazil, the substantial growth in the number of children and adolescents working in small and large Brazilian cities is notable.

Eradication of child labor

Since 2002, June 12th has been marked by the mobilization of society against child labor. The date was established by the International Labor Organization – ILO. However, since 2007 in Brazil it was Law No. 11,542 that established the National Day to Combat Child Labor. The elimination of child labor is a goal of Sustainable Development Goal 8, which is part of the 2030 Agenda, agreed between member countries of the United Nations.

Public Policies and civil society

Both the Federal Constitution and the Child and Adolescent Statute determine the protection of the fundamental rights of children and adolescents. On the part of civil society, organizations such as the National and State Forums work to defend these rights, preventing and eradicating child labor. In a country where 60% of the population under the age of 17 lives in poverty, it is essential to face the challenge of guaranteeing rights, especially in early childhood.
